Appointed Lecturer
• Tension: Hooke’s law, simple and compound bars, trusses, statically indeterminate truss
• Torsion: Shear stress, solid circular shafts
• Bending: Bending moment diagrams, pure bending stress, shear stress distribution, applications
• Compound stresses: bending and compression, Mohr’s circle, bending shear, and torsion, theory of strength
• Deflection of beams: The differential equation of flexure, the “12 23 68” -Myosotis method-, statically indeterminate beams, the area-moment method, variable cross sections-shear deflections
• Special beam problems: Beams of two materials, skew loads, the center of shear, reinforced concrete plastic deformations
• Cylinders and curved bars: riveted thin walled pressure vessels, thick walled cylinders, thin curved bars, thick curved bars
• The energy method: stored elastic energy, the theorem of Castigliano, statically indeterminate systems, Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem
• Buckling: Euler’s column theory, other end conditions, practical column design
• Tension of metallic specimens
• Bending of metallic specimens
• Torsion of metallic bars
• Buckling of metallic bars
• Experimental determination of the stiffness of metallic materials (Rockwell and Brinell techniques)
• Fatigue of metallic materials